Penguin Jokes

Penguin Jokes

7 Dwarfs

The Pope goes to visit the Seven Dwarfs. As he...

Blew a Seal

A penguin had to take his car for engine repai...

Penguin Delivery Ser

One day, a bus driver is on his route, when he...

Penguins in their spare time

What do you call black and white and black and...

Christmas Quickies

What did Adam say on the day before Christmas ...

Penguin and his car

A vacationing penguin is driving through Arizo...

The Perfect Match

A bachelor asked the computer to find him the ...

Penguin outing

A police officer sees a man driving around wit...

You Might Be A Minnestan If.....

l. You consider it a sport to gather your food...


What's grey?

A melted penguin.

Penguin Delivery

One day, a bus driver ran across a delivery va...


This guy runs into a bar and shouts "Quick, ho...

3 Dumb Blonde Jokes

1. Did you hear about the dumb blonde's wife w...

Penguin goes into a bar

So ,this penguin goes into a bar and says to t...

Penguin Car Trouble

A vacationing penguin is driving through Arizo...


A Mexican newspaper reports that bored Royal A...

Black and White, Black and White

Q: what's black and white and balck and white ...


Whats Black White and red all over?

A pengui...

7 Dwarfs

The Pope goes to visit the Seven Dwarfs. As he...


This guy runs into a bar and shouts "Quick, ho...

Question and answer Christmas joke

Q: What kind of bird can write?A: A PENguin.

A penguin's breakdown

A penguin is driving down the road when his ca...

Penguins &Seals

There was a penguin that was driving his car o...

Penguin Car Troubles

A penguin was driving through a small town whe...

Dwarf Nuns

The Pope goes to visit the Famous Seven Dwarfs...