Spider Jokes

Spider Jokes

A moth goes into a podiatrist's office...

A moth goes into a podiatrist’s office, and the...

The worst part about being bitten by a venomous spider...

The worst part about being bitten by a venomous...

Why did the recruiter hire a Spider ?

Q: Why did the recruiter hire a Spider ?

A: Be...

I was making my 6-month-old son, Mic, a tree costume.

So both of us went to the park to pick up some ...


One butterfly began to play,
Upon a spider's we...

My wife told me to take a spider out instead of killing it

We went and had drinks. Cool guy, wants to be a...

My mom told me not to kill the spider but to take it out...

so I did, we had a few drinks, top lad he is..c...

Why does spider man so great with his stunts?

Because he is Peter Parkour

A few weeks ago, I went to a party.

A few weeks ago, I went to a party. I ended up ...

My girlfriend told me to take a spider out instead of killing it.

My girlfriend told me to take a spider out inst...

Homosexuality is found in over 450 species. Homophobia is only found in two.

Help us get rid of the Ecuadorian fag-hating sp...

Man is like spider...

..bound to have sticky fingers after being on t...

A group of primary school students were participating in a local spelling bee.

A keen young boy steps before the judges and is...

What do you get when you cross a bear and a spider?

A six-legged, honey-lovin', web-spinnin' **frea...

Being single is a lot like being a spider...

Women always scream and freak out when they see...

What's worse than finding a sack of spider eggs in your room?

Finding a sack of hatched spider eggs in your room

What's the difference between Super Man and Spider Man ?

Super Man wears his underwear over his pants..

The Scientific Method

A scientist was demonstrating his latest resear...