Giraffe Jokes

Giraffe Jokes

2 Giraffes

2 giraffes walk into a bar and one of the giraf...

This happened to me last night...

My old group of friends and I were watching a c...

A giraffe walks into a bar...

The giraffe trips and falls over, the bartender...

a giraffe, a zebra, a hippo, and a mouse walk into a bar

all of the animals hit their head on the bar ex...

A man and a giraffe walk into a bar.

The giraffe gets rather drunk, and passes out. ...

Tarzan sat up a tree. + loads of elephant jokes.

Tarzan sat up a tree, and suddenly a herd of el...

Why did Mary fall of her swing?

Because she had no arms.

How do you put an el...

My grandfather has the heart of a lion

and the testicles of a giraffe

Only works in German

- What is the biggest monkey?
- Giraffe!

Guy brings a giraffe into a bar...

The giraffe passes out on the floor and the bar...

A few riddles.

**How do you know if there's an elephant in a f...

A man and his giraffe

A man and his giraffe walk into a bar. The gira...

What is worse then a centipede with sore feet?

A giraffe with a sore throat

What's an algebra teachers favorite animal?

A grr-affe


There are 500 bricks on a plane...

- There are 500 bricks on a plane. One falls of...

A giraffe walks into a bar, he sits and orders 6 martinis........

Shame on you for wanting a punchline.

This gir...

Bar lion

A man walks into a bar with his pet giraffe. He...

I always thought that Last of Us needed more animals

Nevertheless that giraffe scene with Ellie, fan...

I must be getting old...

While reading a post about someone asking for "...

A guy walks into a bar...

.... with a giraffe.
They sit down at the bar a...