Skunk Jokes

Skunk Jokes

What am I?

There once were 2 baby animals: One is a duck ...

10 Rejected Holiday Specials

10. "Gallagher Smashes Melons in Bethlehem"


Smelly Iraqi

There's a Canadian an American and an Iraqi. E...


what do you get if you cross a elephant with a...

The duck and the skunks

One day, two skunks were walking down the stre...

The skunk

Whats black and white but red allover?

A sku...


How many skunks does it take to stink up a room...

Gassy Broad

Once upon a time there lived a woman in Brampt...


Why Did The Skunk Live In A sHOE

A Stinky Sn...

Black and White, and Red all over?

What is Black and White, and Red all over?


Skunks and Lawyers

What's the difference between a dead skunk in ...

Skunk & Stump

A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stu...

Don't feed the a

This couple happened to be driving through the...

More Lawyer Jokes

What happens when you cross a pig with a lawye...


Q: What's the difference between a dead skunk ...

Computer Terms For Rednecks

BACKUP: What you do when you run over a skunk ...

Ancient Money

Was there money on the Ark?
Yes:The duck had ...

In and Out

There were once two skunks, In and Out. When O...

I Bought Something for

The husband was not home at his usual hour, an...

Cuckoo clock

At about 3am, i was drunk as a skunk. i came h...

Stupid Jokes 2

1. If 3's a crowd, whats 4 and 5?

a. Nine.


What do you get when you cross an alligator...

What do you get when you cross an alligator wi...

Skunked Again

How do you stop a skunk from smelling? You ...

Lawyer quickies 1

Q: What do you call a lawyer with an I. Q. of ...

Smelly Iraqi

There's a Canadian an American and an Iraqi. E...