Question-answer Jokes

Question-answer Jokes

When I was in the

When I was in the Air Force, they had a weekly...

What women say (and are thinking)

I JUST NEED SOME SPACE.... without you in it.D...

Whom Do You Trust?

A redneck returns to the doctors after having ...

Why does Monica Lewinsky have chubby cheeks?...

Why does Monica Lewinsky have chubby cheeks?


What's the difference between

What's the difference between mechanical engin...

What's O. J. Simpson's Internet address?

Q. What's O. J. Simpson's Internet address?


What is the easiest way to kill a blonde??...

What is the easiest way to kill a blonde??


What Advertisements Really Mean

NEW - Different color from previous design.


Why Birds Fly South

Why do birds fly south for the winter?


What do you call two

What do you call two black guys on motorcycles...

How come abbreviated is such

How come abbreviated is such a long word? Why ...

What Happened in Tex

A cowboy rode into town and stopped at a saloo...

When you're swimming in the

When you're swimming in the creek and an
eel ...

How is a Mexican like

How is a Mexican like a cue ball?

The harder...

Why did the deaf blo

Q: Why did the deaf blonde sit on a newspaper?...

How does a [ethnic] man

How does a [ethnic] man propose marriage?


Why Chicago Bears Can't Win

Why can't the Chicago Bears win a game?


What's With These Guys?

A priest, a doctor and an engineer were gettin...

How do you drown a blonde?

Q. How do you drown a blonde?
A1. Put a mirro...

How is a blonde like a halogen headlamp?...

How is a blonde like a halogen headlamp?


How many professors does it take to change...

How many professors does it take to change a l...

What size is that?

One hot summer afternoon a woman is at the loc...

Why didnt the skeleton go to the party?...

Why didnt the skeleton go to the party?

cos ...

Why I Fired My Secretary

I woke up early feeling a little depressed, be...

What If Dr. Seuss Did Technical Writing?...

What If Dr. Seuss Did Technical Writing?
