Knock Knock Jokes

Knock Knock Jokes

The knock-knock joke is a question-and-answer joke, typically ending with a pun. Knock-knock jokes are primarily seen as children's jokes, though there are exceptions. The scenario is of a person knocking on the front door to a house. The teller of the joke says, "Knock, knock!"; the recipient responds, "Who's there?" The teller gives a name (such as "Noah") or a description (such as "Police") or something that purports to be a name (such as "Needle"). The other person then responds by asking the caller's surname ("Noah who?" "Police who?" "Needle who?"), to which the joke-teller delivers a pun involving the name ("Noah place I can spend the night?" "Police let me in—it's cold out here!" "Needle little help with the groceries!").

A Bad Joke?!

Who's there?
Dishes wh...

Will's Dog

Knock, Knock.
Who's there?
Will who?

Knock KnockWho's there?Wade!Wade who?Wade till

Knock KnockWho's there?Wade!Wade who?Wade till...

Knock Knock 91

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Ice cream soda!

Knock KnockWho's there?Lenny!Lenny who?Lenny in,

Knock KnockWho's there?Lenny!Lenny who?Lenny i...

Knock Knock 181

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Turkey who...

Knock KnockWho's there?Dill!Dill who?Dill we

Knock KnockWho's there?Dill!Dill who?Dill we m...

Knock KnockWho's there?Dino!Dino who?Dino the

Knock KnockWho's there?Dino!Dino who?Dino the ...

Knock KnockWho's there?Costa!Costa who?Costa lot!

Knock KnockWho's there?Costa!Costa who?Costa l...

Knock KnockWho's there?Marcus!Marcus who?Marcus a

Knock KnockWho's there?Marcus!Marcus who?Marcu...

Knockedy knock

Knock knock

who's there


boo who? ...

Knock KnockWho's there?Jose!Jose who!Jose can

Knock KnockWho's there?Jose!Jose who!Jose can ...

Knock Knock 44

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Datsun who...

Knock KnockWho's there?Juan!Juan who!Juan to

Knock KnockWho's there?Juan!Juan who!Juan to h...

Knock Knock 196

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Wooden shoe!

Knock KnockWho's there?Ya!Ya who?I didn't

Knock KnockWho's there?Ya!Ya who?I didn't know...

Knock KnockWho's there?Kent!Kent who?Kent you

Knock KnockWho's there?Kent!Kent who?Kent you ...

Knock KnockWho's there?Xavier!Xavier who?Xavier your

Knock KnockWho's there?Xavier!Xavier who?Xavie...

Knock Knock

Knock Knock!
Whos there?

Someone who can't...

Knock KnockWho's there?Japan!Japan who!Japan is

Knock KnockWho's there?Japan!Japan who!Japan i...

Knock KnockWho's there?Dali!Dali who?Dali've me

Knock KnockWho's there?Dali!Dali who?Dali've m...

Knock KnockWho's there?Donna Mae!Donna Mae

Knock KnockWho's there?Donna Mae!Donna Mae who...

Knock KnockWho's there?Guinevere!Guinevere who!Guinevere going

Knock KnockWho's there?Guinevere!Guinevere who...

Knock KnockWho's there?Warner!Warner who?Warner you

Knock KnockWho's there?Warner!Warner who?Warne...

Knock KnockWho's there?Yacht!Yacht who?Yacht a

Knock KnockWho's there?Yacht!Yacht who?Yacht a...