Frog Jokes

Frog Jokes

Frog in My Throat!

A man walks into a bar and asks the bartender, ...


A noted biologist, who had been studying little...


How do you confuse a frog?

Put it in a round...

Amazing Facts 26

Pigs are the fourth most intelligent animal in ...

Frog Legs

A blond man, Mark, was going to France over the...

Good Deed Indeed

A man went fishing one day. He looked over the ...

The Green Jumper

I asked my girl-friend what she would like for ...

Top Ten Signs You Might Be a Frog

1. You get mad when you don't find a fly in yo...

Humor Can be Dissected

Humor can be dissected, as a frog can, but the ...

Why did the frog cross the road?

Some geeky kid in the 80's forced it to.

The Ant and the Grasshopper


The ant works hard in the w...

A group of scientists run an experiment on a frog

They teach it to jump on command by using flies...

A chicken goes into the library.

A chicken goes into the library, walks up to th...

Little Johnny: "Grandma, make a sound like a Frog." Grandma: "Why?"

Little Johnny: "Cause daddy says we'll make a l...

A women is out golfing and finds a frog trapped in the woods...

A Woman was out golfing one day when she hit th...


An older gentleman was playing a round of golf....

The frog

A frog is outgrowing his lily pad and decides t...

Sir, your frog is illegally parked,

move it imediately or it will be toad.

TIL Every animal has its own specific mating call

A bird sings, a frog croaks, a badger clickets,...

A Frenchman and a Fisherman are out catching Frogs

A Frenchman and a Fisherman are out catching fr...