Frog Jokes

Frog Jokes

What did the frog say about the repost?

C'est un repost, tabarnak!

What's green and smells like bacon?

Kermit the Frog's fingers.

So there are these two frogs...

So there are these two frogs sitting on adjacen...

What's slimy, long and smells like pork?

Kermit the Frog's Finger.

A very bright scientist was conducting experiments on frogs

He spent a lot of time teaching them to jump as...

Why can't Miss Piggy count to 70?

Because every time she reaches 69 she gets a fr...

Scientist and a frog

A scientist is working in the lab with a frog. ...

what's green and smells like pork?

Kermit the frog's finger.

What did the dolphin say to the frog?

Eeeee eeee eeeee ieeeee eeee eee. Dolphins don'...

What's green and says "hey I'm a frog"?

A talking frog!

Stolen from "Friends" still hi...

What did the male frog say to the female frog?

The male frog's name is cow. The female frog's ...

Why did the frog cross the road?

He was stapled to the chicken

Chicken and a frog found a book

The chicken says "book book book BOOK!''

The f...

A joke is a lot like a frog

They both die if you dissect them. Get it? Beca...

A man walks into a bar with a mouse on his shoulder.

"What are you doing with that yoke in here?" as...