Quotes Jokes

Quotes Jokes

I know the day it happens. On August 29,...

I know the day it happens. On August 29, 1997...

Honest Abe

QUOTE:"I freed who?!!"
Abe Lincoln waking up ...

"I squeezed that sperm till a strange sort...

"I squeezed that sperm till a strange sort of ...

Society is like a stew....

Society is like a stew.
If you don't keep it ...

"Sometimes when I'm sitting in my car at a...

"Sometimes when I'm sitting in my car at a sto...

When large numbers of men are unable to find...

When large numbers of men are unable to find w...

"I'm desperately trying to figure out why...

"I'm desperately trying to figure out why kami...

Eternal nothingness is okay if you're dressed...

Eternal nothingness is okay if you're dressed ...


This quiz has been around since we were kids. ...

the Imortal Groucho

Quotes From Groucho Marx (1890-1977).............

Never say "Oops" in the operating room....

Never say "Oops" in the operating room.
- Dr....

I don't like to advocate drugs, alcohol, narcotics...

I don't like to advocate drugs, alcohol, narco...

"I'm glad the electric chair is the only method...

"I'm glad the electric chair is the only metho...

The important thing is never to stop questioning....

The important thing is never to stop questioni...

"On the one hand, we'll never experience childbirth....

"On the one hand, we'll never experience child...

"Our struggle today is not to have a female...

"Our struggle today is not to have a female Ei...

Mental Illness

Sanity statistics say that one out of every fo...

More Deep Thoughts

If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evi...

"We got new advice as to what motivated man...

"We got new advice as to what motivated man to...

More random quotes

You don't sew with a fork, so I see no reason ...

Sayings you'd like to see on office inspirational posters

Sayings you'd like to see on office inspiratio...