Programming Jokes

Programming Jokes

If a black man make a new programming language..

It would be called *BS* short for Bytes Squad ...

Why did the feminist fail in programming?

She hated objectification.

Why did the programmer die in the shower?

He followed the shampoo instructions.

What did the computer programmer name his son?


(pretty sure I just made this up :) )

A few jokes for programmers

Programmer: My wife is expecting a baby in 6 we...

Why was the programmer sexist?

Because he treats women like objects.

EDIT: ph...

I used to work as a programmer for autocorrect...

...but they fried me for no raisin.

Two programmers are in a TV show...

The host describes the rules:
"One of you will ...


Are you tired of your windows being bare? Can't...

Programming Problems

Two programmers are in an office block, convers...

People think being a programmer is super exciting

But sometimes it's just null and void.