Goat Jokes

Goat Jokes

So I was driving along a country road...

...along a farm on my way to I-79 like I do eve...

There was a contest to see who can...

...stand in a room with a decaying goat carcass...

Three Yogis are doing meditative in a remote cave...

One day a sound is heard from outside the cave....

I hit a kid.

I was driving down a country road when I came a...

The Desert Goat Hole

So there's these three guys walking through the...


What do you get when you mix human and goat DNA...

The Goat and The Horse

There was a farmer who had a horse and a goat.

Two hunters and a hole

Two guys are hunting, one guy says "Whoa, big h...

TV Anchor and A Shapherd

TV Anchor to a Shapherd: "What do you feed your...

So an Englishmen walks into a Welshmen's butcher shop...

And says "I would like a goats head please." An...

The welsh

are making a remake of a popular Nicolas Cage f...

What happens when you mix human DNA with goat DNA?

You get kicked out of the petting zoo.

What's the difference between a goldfish and a mountain goat?

Goldfish like to muck around the fountain.

Apparently Muslims invented the condom.

As it turns out, Muslims in the middle east one...

Meet your newest employee. My salary shall be 5000 bucks.

(TKZS = a state-run commie collective farm.)


Where is my goat?

There were these two guys out hiking when they ...

There is a man shipwreck on an island

There is a man shipwrecked on an island and he ...

What's the difference between...

A gold fish and a mountain goat?

One mucks abo...

What happens if you get human DNA in a goat?

You get banned from the petting zoo.

Harry is taking a stroll through the woods....

...when he finds a large hole in the ground. Th...

Two guys are walking through the woods and come across this big deep hole.

Two guys are walking through the woods and come...