A Kentucky Fried Chicken lobbyist meets with the Pope.

He offers a donation of ten million dollars to the church if the Pope agrees to change the words in the Lord’s Prayer from “give us this day our daily bread” to “give us this day our daily chicken”

The Pope apologizes and says he is not interested.

“100 million dollars”, says the KFC rep.

Again the Pope shakes his head and explains that these words are sacred.

“One billion dollars. This is our final offer.”

After some consideration of the sum of the donation that the church is about to receive, the Pope reluctantly agrees to the deal. He then returned to the Vatican and called a meeting of all the Cardinals.

“I have good news and bad news,” the Pontiff said. “The good news is, I have managed to secure a donation of one billion dollars to our church. The bad news is, we’ve lost the Wonder Bread account.”

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