One-liners Jokes

One-liners Jokes

Laugh alone and the world

Laugh alone and the world thinks you're an idi...


Q: Why did Michael Jackson place a phone call ...

24 hours in a day...

24 hours in a day... 24 beers in a case... coi...

Ocean Bottom Twitch

Q: What lies at the bottom of the ocean and tw...


Three men walked into a bar...



He turned his life around.

He turned his life around.
He used to be depr...

Support the right to arm

Support the right to arm bears.

The Pentagon is a building

The Pentagon is a building with four walls and...

Why is lemon juice made

Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor...

I'm the person you're mother always warned...

I'm the person you're mother always warned you...

Grit in a condom

What do you call grit in a condom?

An organ...

It is better to wear

It is better to wear out then rust out.

Dain bramaged.

Dain bramaged.

Joke found on http://www.rand...

How many people do you

How many people do you know who have actually ...

The only cure for insomnia

The only cure for insomnia is to get more slee...


What�s the difference between worry and panic?...

Can I be Frank

What did Ellen Degeneres say to Kathy Lee?


Who lit the fuse on

Who lit the fuse on your tampon?

Did Noah keep his bees

Did Noah keep his bees in archives?

Do you mind if I

Do you mind if I smoke?

I don't care if you ...

"This won't hurt, I promise."

"This won't hurt, I promise."

How do you breathe

What did the elephant say to the naked man?


Another chicken joke

What do you call a chicken that crosses the ro...

"Turn right ... no, turn

"Turn right ... no, turn left ... no, turn str...

Kids in the back seat

Kids in the back seat cause accidents; acciden...