Lawyers Jokes

Lawyers Jokes

Court witness

The prosecuting attorney had just called his f...

Two In One Grave?

A woman and her little girl were visiting the ...


A farmer walked into an attorney's office want...

What is the difference between

What is the difference between a female lawer ...


Taking his seat in his chambers, the judge fac...

The fight

Lawyer: Tell us about the fight.
Witness: I d...

Zipper Alert

A young woman in a REALLY skimpy skirt was at ...

Not Yet

Attorney: Have you lived in this town all your...

Goose vs duck

What can a goose do, a duck can't, and a lawye...


What do you call a smiling, sober, courteous p...

Brand New Hat

An old lady was standing at the railing of the...

Terrorists attack

The terrorists have siezed the "Attorney Build...

The Laywer, the duck and the farmer

A big city, Colorado, lawyer went duck hunting...

Defendant's lawyer

A man was chosen for jury duty who really want...


"Terrorists abduct bus load of attorneys."


First pick

Why does California have the most attorneys, a...

Don't Mess with

Defense Attorney: "Would you please state your...

Advice From A Lawyer Is Worth....

George and Lenny decide to cross North America...

Two lions

Two lions were lying around in the jungle. One...

A Kind Lawyer?

One afternoon, a lawyer was riding in the back...

The Devil and the Lawyer

An attorney was sitting in his office late one...

Too silly

Attorney: Was that the same nose you broke as ...

Genie In A Bottle

Two men are walking along the beach on day whe...

A lawyers tomstone.

A lawyer named Strange died, and his friend as...

Lawyer: Send Me

NASA was interviewing professionals to be sent...