Eagle Jokes

Eagle Jokes

A boy and his uncle are fishing at a lake

The boy them notices something, and shouts "Di...

Two priests die at the same time

and meet St. Peter
at the Pearly Gates. St. Pet...

Hey are you free this weekend?

(Gazes into distance)
(Wipes tear from cheek)

2 Inmates sneer at their new cellmate..

Inmate #1: "Hey..look at my tattoo. It's a King...

A test of sanity

The director of a psych ward suspects some pati...

A park ranger finds a man in the wilderness eating a bald eagle.

The man is arrested and brought to trial for ki...

The difference between a Life Scout and an Eagle Scout.

A Life Scout is ready for anything. The Eagle S...


Qty | Item (Inspect) | Exterior (Check) | Stick...

A Priest and a Rabbi go golfing

A Priest and a Rabbi go golfing. On the first h...

Indian names

An old Indian was telling some children how the...

A guy is caught by a ranger eating a Bald Eagle...

A guy is caught by a ranger eating a Bald Eagle...

Why did the sick eagle get deported?

Because he was an illeagle.

Why did the eagle win the talent show?

Because he was TALONted!