Eagle Jokes

Eagle Jokes

An eagle gets sick and is arrested ...

because, he is ill-eagle

Why was the medicine man for bald eagles arrested?

He was selling ill-eagle drugs.

What do you get if you cross a kangaroo with a bald eagle

A life time ban from the zoo and a felony...app...

30th Anniversary

A man decides to buy flowers for his wife for t...

What do you call a sick bird from Mars?

An ill Eagle alien.

Original joke created fo...

What do an eagle and a broom have in common?

They both fly but the broom doesn't.

The Eagle- an original joke

A man is talking with an eagle.

The man asks, ...

Wild Condor

A group of bird watchers is out in the woods an...

Indian chief

So there's this Indian reservation, and the foo...

Two Jokes about Tribal Names

First One:

A tribal girl once asked her father...

An eagle goes looking for a mate...

He swoops down and picks up a loon. "I'm a loon...

A man goes to the confessional.

A man goes to the confessional. Forgive me fath...

A man goes to the confessional.

A man goes to the confessional. Forgive me fath...

How do you identify a bald eagle?

How do you identify a bald eagle? All his feath...

What do you get if you cross an eagle with a skunk?

What do you get if you cross an eagle with a sk...

A lion was getting rather old and slow and having difficulty catching its prey.

A lion was getting rather old and slow and havi...

Awkward encounters

Q: What did the bird watcher say when she misto...

Funny Military Punishments (According to Reddit)

• We made a private sweep all the sunshine off ...