Ant Jokes

Ant Jokes

People say motorcycles are bad, but I disagree

After all, I just got all my daily protein on t...

Two ants

Two ant are walking in the woods when suddenly ...

Why was the little ant confused?

Because his uncles are aunts.

What did the pink panther say when he stepped on an ant hill

Dead ant dead ant

Dead ant

Dead ant dead ant...

The Real Pink Panther Joke

What did the Pink Panther say as he stepped on ...

Spiderman agrees on a one-night stand with a hot blonde

Once they got a room, he proceeds to remove his...

What did the Pink Panther say when he stepped on an ant?

Dead ant
Dead ant
Dead ant dead ant dead ant

You can tell the gender of an Ant by putting it in water

If it sinks: Girl Ant

If it floats: Boy ant

Today I saw a poor, old lady fall.

My first reaction was to laugh, but then I thou...

What did Pink Panther say when he stepped on Ant?

Nothing, Pink Panther doesn't talk!

What did Pink Panther say when he stepped on an ant?

Dead Ant, Dead Ant....Dead Ant, Dead Ant, Dead ...

Did you know you can tell the gender of an ant by throwing it in water?

If it sinks, girl ant. If it floats, buoyant.

Why didn't they just call "Ant-Man" Uncle?

Credit to Steve Higgins from The Tonight Show.

So an apartment owner had a tiny ant infestation.

Just a few of them were around the house, but i...

I tried publishing my novel...

in which I stress the danger of global warming ...