Juan and the note (Kind of lengthy but worth the read)

One day Juan was sitting in his favorite class in highschool, thinking about all the great things he will do when he graduates. When suddenly his friend Pepito sitting next to him nudges him and passes him a folded paper. He grabs the paper and opens it. 'Purple'. He is so confused. He whispers to his friend "What the fuck are you talking about?" "Hey!" says the teacher. "Bring that up here right now!" Chris gets up and hands him the note. "What have we got here?" says the teacher. He opens the note to read out loud to the class..."Pur...............son of bitch" The teacher murmurs to himself. "Go to the principles office right now and show him this note!" Chris asks why but the teachers yelling became louder. He storms out and heads to the principles office. He shows up to the principles office and the principle can see he is very confused. "Whats the problem son?, your not the type to cause trouble" Chris hands him the paper explaining what happened. The principle opens the note, fold it back, and hands it back to Chris...."You get the fuck out this school this instant or I call the police" Chris is starting to think this is a joke and doesnt move, but the principle grabs the phone and so Chris gets up to leave. Chris ends up going home to his dad and explains what happened. Hi father asks to see the note and starts pushing Chris out the door. "Youre not my fucking son anymore you piece of shit, Dont ever come back!. Chris is pissed and doesnt know what the hell is going on. Chris decides to go to his girlfriends house see if she can help him. "Well let me see the note" Chris tells her not to freak out like every body else that saw the note. "Babe you know I love you, I wont freak out I promise" Chris hands her the note and prepares for the worst. He grabs the note out of her hands...and she starts punching and kicking him out the door. " You fucking bastard, were done!" Chris starts begging her to stop and explain why she is pissed off and why everyone is mad at him...but she is going crazy so Chris decides to leave. 12 yrs go by and Chris has traveled the world searching for answers he winds up im Mexico sitting in a door way drinking heavily. Then one day a kid decides to talk to Chris. " Excuse me, I see you everyday drinking your problems away, What is your problem maybe I can help" Chris struggles to raise his head and says "Look mijo, youre too young to understand my problems." "We'll you never know. Just let me try" the little boy says. "Well mijo one day my friend gave me this paper and everybody that reads it gets so angry with me that they end up beating me up or tell me to leave and never come back. Ive traveled the world searching for answers and I end up having to continue searching. But heres the paper" Chris hands the little boy the note. The little boy looks at the note and hands it back. "Well I dont know why people get so angry it just says purple." Chris sobers up almost immedietly and hugs the kid "but why, I want to know!" Chris says with tears in his eyes. "Well senor, try asking the wise man down this road if he doesnt know the answer no body will." Chris hugs the little boy and walks down the stairs and onto the street. Then suddenly a car hits Chris and he dies.......moral of the story is look both ways when you cross the street.

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