Squirrel Jokes

Squirrel Jokes

You might be a redneck if ....

You might be a redneck if .... You've ever had ...

A man goes to the confessional.

A man goes to the confessional. Forgive me fath...

A man goes to the confessional.

A man goes to the confessional. Forgive me fath...

An old mountain man in Arkansas was sick and bedridden.

An old mountain man in Arkansas was sick and be...

The world's most incredibly lazy man found a magic lamp.

The world's most incredibly lazy man found a ma...

Why is a psychiatrist like a squirrel?

Why is a psychiatrist like a squirrel? Because ...

Do you know how to catch a squirrel?

Do you know how to catch a squirrel? Climb a tr...

An old lady was considering buying a squirrel fur coat.

An old lady was considering buying a squirrel f...

The Dumbest Police Calls in America…

From the police blotter, 
or, what a beat cop d...

The Dumbest Police Calls in America…

From the police blotter, 
or, what a beat cop d...