Riddles Jokes

Riddles Jokes

apple and worm

What did the apple say to the worm?

You're ...

Frito Lay

What did the bag of chips say to the battery?

It's a sin

There was a youn girl from named Myer
Who gav...

Who was the worst golfplayer of all time?...

Who was the worst golfplayer of all time?

- ...

Black and White, Black and White

Q: what's black and white and balck and white ...

What Is it?

You cannot see it, you cannot touch it, it isn...


A kid named John was born two minutes after hi...


What has A Tail, Big Nose and a Trunk??

A ra...

Football riddles

Q: What do you call a Viking with a superbowl ...

What happens when a clown has flatulency?...

What happens when a clown has flatulency?


The Escape

A man was locked inside a room with only a bed...

What is the difference between roast beef...

What is the difference between roast beef and ...

Pickle Me Elmo

What is red, furry and lives in a jar?


Falling Off 20th Floor vs. 1st Floor

What's the difference between a man who falls ...

How did Hitler tie his shoes?...

How did Hitler tie his shoes?

With little N...

Numeric Riddle

Q. What did the 0 say to the 8?A. I like your ...

User Doesn't See It

The maker doesn't want it;
The buyer doesn't ...

Why are there fences around cemetaries?...

Why are there fences around cemetaries?



Q:What is the difference between beer nuts and...

Patient's Brain Problem

Patient:Doctor!Doctor!I'm having a problem rem...

What can go up the chimney down, but can't...

What can go up the chimney down, but can't go ...

6 and 7

Why is 6 afraid of 7?

Because 7 8 (ate) 9.

Q:Why are those two couches on top of eachother?...

Q:Why are those two couches on top of eachothe...

What did the one carrot say to the other?...

What did the one carrot say to the other?



One night a girl named Jamie had a dream. She ...