apple and worm
What did the apple say to the worm?
You're ...
What did the apple say to the worm?
You're ...
What did the bag of chips say to the battery?
There was a youn girl from named Myer
Who gav...
Who was the worst golfplayer of all time?
- ...
Q: what's black and white and balck and white ...
You cannot see it, you cannot touch it, it isn...
A kid named John was born two minutes after hi...
What has A Tail, Big Nose and a Trunk??
A ra...
Q: What do you call a Viking with a superbowl ...
What happens when a clown has flatulency?
A man was locked inside a room with only a bed...
What is the difference between roast beef and ...
What is red, furry and lives in a jar?
What's the difference between a man who falls ...
How did Hitler tie his shoes?
With little N...
Q. What did the 0 say to the 8?A. I like your ...
The maker doesn't want it;
The buyer doesn't ...
Why are there fences around cemetaries?
Q:What is the difference between beer nuts and...
Patient:Doctor!Doctor!I'm having a problem rem...
What can go up the chimney down, but can't go ...
Why is 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7 8 (ate) 9.
Q:Why are those two couches on top of eachothe...
What did the one carrot say to the other?
One night a girl named Jamie had a dream. She ...