Riddles Jokes

Riddles Jokes

Horse Sense

Q. A horse attached to a 24-foot chain sees an ...

The Elephant in the Room

Q. I'm the size of an elephant, but I weigh not...

Capping It Off

Q. I have a neck, but no head, and I wear a cap...

Land and T

Q. Why is an island like the letter T?
A. They'...

Pedestrian Crossing

Q. A man was driving a truck. His headlights we...

You Can Keep It

Q. You can break me without touching me, or eve...

Toss It Out

Q. When you want to use me, you throw me away. ...

Take a Second Look

Q. How many seconds are there in a year?
A. Twe...

Beary Tricky

Q. There is a house with four walls. All of the...

Jeweler vs. Jailer

Q. What's the difference between a jeweler and ...

Finish the Sequence

Q. Name the next letter in this sequence: J F M...

Magic Number

Q. How do you make the number one disappear?

Odd Indeed

Q. I'm an odd number. If you take away one of t...

A Tall Tale

Q. A girl fell off of a 30-foot ladder, but she...

Just Like Magic

Q. A magician promises that he can throw a ball...

Apples 2 Apples

Q. There are three apples on a table and you ta...

Count the Days

Q. Can you name three consecutive days without ...

Thinking Pink

Q. There's a one-story house where everything i...

Tell This One Out Loud!

Q. One (k)night, a king and a queen went into a...

Cat in a Box

Q. How many cats can you put in an empty box?

A Seal-y Riddle

Q. What starts with "e," ends with "e," and con...

You Might Have to Sleep On This One

Q. What has one head, one foot, and four legs?

Toto, We’re Not in Cans Anymore…

What did the Tin Man say when he got run over b...

Q: What did the schizophrenic bookkeeper say?

A: I hear invoices!
Stephen Pickering, Marshall...

How Far Can a Fox…

Q: How far can a fox run into a grove?
A: Only ...