Medical Jokes

Medical Jokes

Redneck Birth Control

After having their 11th child, a Kentucky coup...

Silly People

Man : Doctor, so are you sure if I take thes...

Two pyscologists

2 pshycologists met each other in a street one...

A True Dentist

Customer: How much to have this tooth pulled? ...

Blonde in Pain

A blonde told her doctor that she was really w...

You're gonna croak!

A man goes to the doctor after feeling ill.


Having a baby

There were three ladies at the obstetrician's ...

Dad hasn't walked

An old fellow came into the hospital truly on ...

The physician

A physician walked into an antique store, and ...

Ethical Doctor

Doctor in town says he doesn't believe in unne...

What does HMO stand for?

Q. What does HMO stand for?
A. This is actual...

Wrong Diagnosis

A man was walking along a sidewalk in a very g...

Don't Make a Nurse Angry

A big shot business man had to spend a couple ...

Only a year to live

A man went to the doctor, who told him that he...


Patient: Doctor, Doctor everyone ignores me!

How much will this cost me?

Patient: How much to have this tooth pulled?De...

Does it hurt when you do this?

Doctor: Does it hurt when you do this?Patient:...

Dyslexic Agnostic Insomniac

Q: Did you hear about the dyslexic, agnostic, ...

Heart Battle

Q: What do you get when 2 hearts fight?
A: A ...

Canine Complex

A man walked into the office of the eminent ps...

Glossary of Medical Terms

Alternative Medical Terms

Being Old and Bent

Patient: Doctor, is there anything worse than ...

Helen Keller's Broken Arm

How did Helen Keller break her arms?
Trying t...

Hereditary Diarrhoea

Did you know diarrhoea is hereditary?


Successful Operation

One Polish surgeon asks another: "How did the ...