Teacher: Name four members of the cat family Pupil: Daddy cat, mummy cat and two kittens !
Teacher: Name four members of the cat family Pu...
Teacher: Name four members of the cat family Pu...
Which big cat should you never play cards with ...
Why was the cat so small ? Because it only ate ...
What is another way to describe a cat ? A heat ...
What do cat actors say on stage ? Tabby or not ...
What is an octopus? An eight-sided cat.
A guy walks into a laundry run by cats. Excuse ...
If a cat won an Oscar, what would he get? An a-...
Q: Why couldn't the cat speak? A: The dog taped...
When you call a dog, they usually come to you. ...
Doctor, said the patient, I need help! I can't ...
A mother was reading a book about animals to he...
A group of young children were siting in a circ...
A man out for a walk came across a little boy p...
Why is a cat on a beach like Christmas ? Becaus...
Who delievers cat's Christmas presents ? Santa ...
Q: Did you know that Clinton's cat can play Che...
Why did the dish and spoon hide their computer?...
What has four legs, a tail, whiskers and flies?...
Ralph was driving home one evening and realized...
Doctor, doctor! said the panic-stricken woman, ...
Why do you need a licence for a dog and not for...
Which dog looks like a cat? A police dog in dis...
Seems a guy was driving for hours thu desolate ...
Why is a frog luckier than a cat ? Because a fr...