Baseball Jokes

Baseball Jokes

Things Learned From Children

1. If you hook a dog leash over a ceiling fan,...

You might be a redneck if...deer head

Your mounted deer head sports a baseball cap a...

The American and the Frenchman

An American, wearing Bermuda shorts, T-shirt, ...

Teams My Kids Can Make

Three guys are sitting watching a game on the ...

Pitching soon

Two best friends were two of the biggest baseb...

Things could be worse; suppose

Things could be worse; suppose your errors wer...

You might be a redneck if... baseball players

You don't think baseball players spit and scra...

Medical Terms - Ebonics Style!

Benign................What you be after you be...

Five Bad Questions

There are five things that women should never,...

Polak Joins Baseball Team

A Polak wanted to join an amateur baseball tea...

The 5 toughest questions!

The 5 toughest questions that women ask men, a...

Clintons at the Ball Game

Bill and Hillary went to the first baseball ga...

Sports Is A Drag

Our [softball] team usually puts the other wom...

Baseball In Heaven

Two old guys, Abe and Sol, are sitting on a pa...

Olaf and Lena

Olaf and Lena were on a baseball bus trip from...

When he steals a base

Q: When is a baseball player like a thief?

15 Fun Things To Do In Public Places

1. Follow somebody around for hours and then a...

Baseball Steroids

Major League Baseball said Thursday all player...

It's Dark in Here

A married woman is having an affair. meanwhile...


why did the baseball player make so much money...

Question and answer Clinton joke

Q: What's Clinton's favorite baseball team?A: ...

Things I've Learned from My Children

1. Garbage bags do not make good parachutes.

Baseball games

Q: Why is it always hot after baseball games?

Kid's Wisdom

Never trust a dog to watch your food. -Patrick...

Bill at a Baseball Game

Bill and Hillary are at the first baseball gam...