There was a man named Tim...

And he had a pretty unique but low paying job. Everyday he would put on a beekeeping suit, and he would stand holding the part of the bee's nest with th honey so that the other beekeepers could scrape the honey off. This job didn't pay very much and was fairly easy and boring, so he decided to take up sculpting as a hobby. He does this job and sculpts everyday for a couple years.

One day, there is a local ice sculpture competition in his town. He, of course having enjoyed the hobby so much, decided to enter.

At the contest there was only one judge, but she was a world renowned art critic taking a small break from her real work but still wanting to review something. She went to each contestants sculpture and told them one after another how terrible they all were, and how sad she was that there was no artistic talent in the whole town. Then she walks up to Tim's sculpture, and looks at it in amazement.

"Wow," she says, "this sculpture is absolutely beautiful! I've never seen anything like it. I must ask, what do you do for a living?"
"Oh, well I have a fairly boring day job. It's official title is beeholder, and all I really do is hold the parts of the bee hive with the honey so the other beekeepers can take it off."

And that just goes to show;
Beauty really is in the ice of the beeholder.

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