The Bird

One fine summer day, a man took his 6 year-old daughter to the
beach. This was in fact a nude beach. So, they got undressed and
laid on the beach towel. The little girl saw the man's penis and
asked, "Daddy, what's that?" He replied, "That's my bird. Don't
touch my bird. He'll get mad." So, the little girl left the bird
alone and started to make a sand castle. Time goes by and she
realizes that her daddy was sleeping. The bird was staring right
at her, so she decides to go and pet it. The man wakes up in the
hospital. He asks his daughter, "What happened? Why am I in the
hospital?" She says, "Well, I saw your lonely bird just sitting
there, and I wanted to pet it. So I did. The next thing I knew,
he stood up and spit all over me! So, I burned its nest, smashed
its eggs, and broke its neck."

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