I Like the Way You Think

Johnny hated school and wanted to go home. The teacher said, "If
anyone can guess what is in this bag they will be able to go
home for the day". She hints, "It is hard, round, and red." One
of the girls raised her hand and replied, "It's an apple." The
teacher says, "No, Its a red pin cushion. But I like the way
your thinking."

She holds up another bag and hints, "It's round, hard, and
orange." Another girl raised her hand and replied, "It's an
orange". The teacher replies, "No, it's a orange pin cushion.
But I like the way your thinking."

Johnny is getting mad because he wants to go home. Johnny says,
"I got one for you teacher. I'm reaching deep in my pocket. It's
round, it's hard, and its got a little head on the end of it."
The teacher got nervouse about where Johny was going with this
and interrupted, "Johnny..." Johnny replies, "It's a quarter
teacher, but I like the way you thinking."

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