Ed Zachary Disease

There once was a very distraught woman, who was upset because she had not had
a date in quite some time. She decided she would seek the medical expertise of
Dr. Kayoto, the very well-known Japanese sex therapist. After stepping into his
office and explaining her problem, he asked her to take off all her clothes.
"Now," he said. "Get down and craw reery reery srory to odder side of room."
The woman did.
"Now," he said. "Now craw reery reery fass back to me." The woman did. The Dr.
looked at her mournfully and said "I very sully. Your problem very bad, you have
Ed Zachery Disease."
"Ed Zachery Disease? What's that?"
"Very sad. It's when your face rook Ed Zachery rike your ass."

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