Wolf Jokes

Wolf Jokes

I was cured of lycanthropy.

Now I'm a were-wolf.

A wolf in a river

didn't know w(h)ere it was, so it how-led and a...


A little Native American boy asks his chief how...

What's grey, has four legs, howls at the moon, and eats cement?

A wolf. I threw in the cement to make it hard.

Bear with a dead list

The bear writes a death list. News of his death...


A little Native American boy asks his chief how...

Three blondes are walking through the forest

when they come upon a set of tracks. The first ...

Red hood and Big bad wolf.

Little red riding hood was walking through the ...

The man who cried wolf

Officer: May I see your driver's license?


Two blondes are walking in the woods

Two blondes are walking in the woods and come a...

3 blondes on a hike found some tracks in the woods...

Blonde girl one said "These are wolf tracks."

The Big Bad Wolf catches Red Riding Hood in the forest...

... and has his way with her. Afterwards Red Ri...

A theory about Jon Snow... (x-posted asoiaf; possible spoilers!)

So here's the latest Game of Thrones rumor I've...

Meta Knight

Meta Knight finds Solid Snake filling Peach's C...

Three blondes were walking through a forest...

Three blondes were walking through a forest whe...

I think that being a Lone Wolf is the coolest thing ever

yeah.. except at the annual wolf picnic when yo...

Wolf Encounter...

A tour guide was talking with a group of school...

Virginia wolf

More like Virginia woof

Three blondes walking by some tracks

Three blondes girls were walking in the woods a...