Teacher Jokes

Teacher Jokes

Dog Plants

The teacher was telling the class about plants...

What's so bad about Russia?

A boy was in class and he raised his hand and ...

Disappearing Crayons

The kindergarten class had settled down to its...


In the school at the beginning of the semester...

Counting with Little Johnny

The teacher asked little Johnny if he knows hi...

Golfer's pregnant wife

The room was full of pregnant women and their ...

"I think a secure profession for young people...

"I think a secure profession for young people ...

Three Little Pigs

One day the first grade teacher was reading th...

What to Grow

One day the teacher asked the second grade cla...

Larry's First Day

On little Larry's first day of first grade, he...

Johnnie goes to the bathroom

In First Grade little Johnnie raises his hand....

Quiet in Church

A Sunday school teacher asked her little child...

Alphabet for the bathroom

It was a average day in Bobby's first grade cl...

Want ad:...

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"Three year old teacher needed for ...

Gems of Wisdom

The following gems of wisdom were gleaned from...

Clinton Fan

There's a teacher in a small Texas town. She a...

It's the same thing!

There was a new girl in school, when asked her...

Some Rules Kids Won't Learn in School

Unfortunately there are some things that child...

New School Homework Poilcy

Students should not spend more than 90 minutes...

Voices! Voices! Shut up!

A teacher asked a pupil a question, but she co...

The esay

Q-why did the blonde screw the mexican?

Misbehaving at Schoo

Seven year old John had finished his summer va...


once upon a time there was a kid named buttich...

The Italian, the black, and the teacher

One day, a teacher was in her class teaching h...

Big surprise

My daughter's third-grade teacher had assigned...