Sci-fi-fantasy Jokes

Sci-fi-fantasy Jokes

Genie on Malibu Beach

A man was walking along the beach at Malibu wh...

Star Ship enterprise

Why is the Star Ship Enterprise like a toilet ...

3 Wishes and the Mother In Law

There once was a man who traveled to a strange...

Genie and 3 Guys

Three guys are walking down a beach. One of th...


I made myself a snowball
as perfect as could ...


What did the Martians ask for when they came t...

10 Times More to Husband

A lady has an ugly divorce with her husband. O...

The English, the Irish and the Scottish

There was once an English man, an Irish man an...

Captain's Red Shirt

Long ago, when sailing ships ruled the waves, ...


What did the martians ask for when they came t...

Three guys and three wishes

There were three guys who were in a plane cras...

Guy with Small Head

A man is sitting in the bar when he notices an...

The Coffin

It was about 2:00 A.M, and a man had just left...

What kind of ghost...

What king of ghost sits in a cloth chair?


Luke Skywalker

One day, Luke Skywalker and Obi-One came into ...

UFO pot

Q: How does a Martian feel, after he smokes a ...

Three Men and a River

Once there were three blond who were all tryin...