Plant Jokes

Plant Jokes

The Name is Rose

It seems that this old couple are having troub...

Yo mama so fat...

Yo mama so fat when she stepped into the Atlan...

Following directions for the mentally handicapped

An institution for the mentally ill arranged f...

Question and answer Clinton joke

Q: Why does Hillary Clinton often wear turtle ...

What to Grow

One day the teacher asked the second grade cla...

More Computer Viruses!

DANGER: new viruses discovered!:


Locked Out

Two blondes went shopping one day. They got do...

Why are you yelling that?

A painting contractor was speaking with a woma...

In A Mans World

* Any fake phone number a girl gave you would ...

Crazy English!

Let's face it - English is a crazy language. T...

Blondes and the painter.

A painting contractor was speaking with a woma...

A bunch of Palindromes

Dennis sinned.Dennis and Edna sinned.Dennis, N...

Q: How many members

Q: How many members of the U.S.S. Enterprise ...

Pillsburry Doughboy

Veteran Pillsbury spokesman Pop N. Fresh died ...


What kind of apples grow on pine trees?


Hour of pleasure

The dean at an exclusive girl's college was le...

Q.what do you get swinging of apple trees...

Q.what do you get swinging of apple trees

Strange but True

- In Cleveland, Ohio, it's illegal to catch mi...

Rotten Cherry

There is an 80 year old virgin who suddenly ge...

Q. Whats red and

Q. Whats red and has 7 dents?

A. Snow whit...

What would have been different if Bill Gates was a redneck...

1. Their #1 product would be Microsoft Winders...

shiny apple

Q. What does a black person and a shiny red ap...

Why i was doing an utopsy?

Attorney: Do you recall approximately the time...

Stock market report

Today's Stock Market Report: Helium was up, fe...

A teacher was in class

A teacher was in class on Friday evening (last...