Chuck Norris originally appeared in the "Street Fighter II" video game, but was removed by Beta Testers because every button caused him to do a roundhouse kick.
Chuck Norris originally appeared in the "S...
Chuck Norris originally appeared in the "S...
When Chuck Norris throws exceptions, it's acros...
All arrays Chuck Norris declares are of infinit...
Chuck Norris writes code that optimizes itself.
Chuck Norris can't test for equality because he...
Chuck Norris doesn't need garbage collection be...
Chuck Norris's first program was kill -9.
Chuck Norris burst the dot com bubble.
All browsers support the hex definitions #chuck...
MySpace actually isn't your space, it's Chuck's...
Chuck Norris can write infinite recursion funct...
Chuck Norris can solve the Towers of Hanoi in o...
Chuck Norris finished World of Warcraft.
Project managers never ask Chuck Norris for est...
Chuck Norris doesn't use web standards as the w...
"It works on my machine" always holds...
Chuck Norris doesn't do Burn Down charts, he do...
Chuck Norris can delete the Recycling Bin.
Chuck Norris's beard can type 140 wpm.
Chuck Norris can unit test entire applications ...
Chuck Norris doesn't bug hunt as that signifies...
Chuck Norris's keyboard doesn't have a Ctrl key...
When Chuck Norris is web surfing websites get t...
Chuck Norris can overflow your stack just by lo...
To Chuck Norris, everything contains a vulnerab...