Hare Jokes

Hare Jokes


Q: What to you call it when your pet jackrabbi...

Concerning the Omnipresent Lenin Propaganda

A schoolteacher is leading her students through...

A man was balding very quickly

But he did not want to get a hair transplant no...

Did you hear about the rabbit with OCD?

It was a hare meticulous.

Race jokes are NEVER okay!

Unless it's between a tortoise and a hare. :)

What do You Call a Line…

Q: What do you call a parade of rabbits hopping...

Get a bunny.

It'll put hare on your chest.

My girlfriend and I are going to O'Hare on a bus.

I lose track of where we are, so I ask my girlf...

How does the Easter Bunny keep his ears standing straight up?

He uses Hare Spray...

(Ill see myself out)

I was in an elevator with the Easter bunny yesterday

It was a hare raising experience.

Why did the tortoise get arrested?

Because he got there before the hare.

Bear Grylls is hunting his next meal

He carefully makes his bow and arrow, finds rab...

I want to order rabbit at a fancy restaurant

and then complain there is a hare in my food.

Poor little Rabbit

A vegan is driving his Escalade down the highwa...

A hare, turtle, and a centipede ran out of beer at a party..

Wanting to keep the party alive the tortoise ha...

The Rabbit

A man was driving along the highway, and saw a ...

a journalist question to a Rabbit

Q: How do rabbits travel?
A: By hareplane.


I used to have a rabbit farm.

It was a hare raising experience.