At which fast food restaurant is a hamburger happiest?
At which fast food restaurant is a hamburger ha...
At which fast food restaurant is a hamburger ha...
There was an awful fight at the seafood restaur...
Father: I hear you skipped school to play footb...
Teacher : Tommy, put some more water in the fis...
When fish play football, who is the captain? Th...
A boat docked in a tiny Mexican village. An Ame...
A fish walks into a bar, the bartender asks, Wh...
Why are dolphins cleverer than humans ? Within ...
Customer: This fish isn't as good as what I ord...
Waiter, there is a fly in my bean soup ! Don't ...
Starting his new job at the zoo, the eager youn...
Q: Where are fish in orbit?
A: In trout-er space
Q. Why are fish so good at watching their weigh...
Let minnow what you think.
Q: How do fish end their work emails?
A: Let mi...
“Poor Old fool,” thought the well-dressed gentl...
They make cat food out of cow, fish, turkey, ch...
Two fish are in a tank. One says to the other, ...
“Poor Old fool,” thought the well-dressed gentl...
My son Ryan was 2 years old when his daddy took...
Knock! Knock!
Who's there?
Two knee
Two knee wh...
At the restaurant, a sign read "Karaoke Tonight...
Q: What do you call a classy fish?
A: Sofishtic...
Teacher: Why can't freshwater fish live in salt...
While in the men's room at a beach park in Flor...