Wee Jimmy joins the circus.

Wee Jimmy runs away from home. He finds a big-top and seeks out the ringmaster to ask to join the circus.

The ringmaster asks, "well what can you do. Everyone in the circus has a skill, what is yours? Can you juggle, do acrobatics, act like a clown, train wild animals what"

"Just let me perform and you will see what I can do." - says Jimmy. The ringmaster feels sorry for the lad and so allows him do his act the following night.

Near the end of the show, its time for Jimmy's act. The curtain rises to reveal wee Jimmy standing by a stump of wood holding a sledge-hammer. He asks for one strong volunteer from the audience.

"I am going to put my head on this block and I want you to smash it as hard as you can with this sledge-hammer" - says wee Jimmy.

The volunteer looks hesitant but does what he's told. He smashes the hammer down on poor wee Jimmys head and it explodes, the audience screams, there is blood and brains everywhere, ambulances are called and promptly come screeching in to the big top. Blue lights everywhere, it is total carnage.

6 Months later. Wee Jimmy is in the hospital lying in a coma, miraculously he has survived after 14 rounds of reconstructive brain surgery. The doctor on charge calls in the Ringmaster as wee Jimmy has shown signs of movement.

The ringmaster sits by his bedside and holds wee Jimmy's hand just as he starts to twitch. The ring master is shocked to see, wee Jimmy is about to speak. All the Doctors and nurses rush in as Jimmy stutters and tries to speak "t - t - t"

"What is it wee Jimmy" - cries out the Ringmaster - "What are you trying to say"

Wee Jimmy gradually stretches out his arms, opens up his his eyes for the first time in 6 months and looks up to see tears running down the ringmasters face.

Slowly he starts to speak and says - "TA DA!!!"

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