After being shipwrecked, Joe washed up on a tropical island...

The modernized local tribe soon found him, fed and clothed him, then took him to their chief. Conversing in fluent English, Joe and the chief took a liking to one another, and the chief soon offered Joe his beautiful daughter's hand in marriage. Having just been shipwrecked and being a shy virgin, Joe couldn't believe his luck.

As per the custom, Joe didn't see his bride until the wedding night. He was utterly terrified due to his inexperience, but his wife's beauty and the fine local alcohol loosened him up, and once things got going it wasn't long before she moaned "Gabo!" Joe realized he must be doing something right for her to revert to her native language. His confidence boosted, he tried a new technique and soon enough she was sighing "Ripan!" Now on a roll, Joe took the lead and they changed positions, making her loudly squeal "AGUMA!" Knowing he'd hit paydirt Joe gave it all he was worth, and as he finished she uttered a satisfied "Umo..."

The next day Joe was playing golf with the chief. Still feeling on top of the world and wanting to show off a bit, he complimented some of the chief's better shots using his newfound vocabulary. After the 18th hole the chief turned to Joe, laughing, told him he needed to learn the language better and that his new wife would be the perfect one to teach him since she spoke no English.

"I hit a 350 yard drive straight down the fairway and you told me it wasn't long enough. Then I hit the green out of a terrible lie and you told me I hit it too thin." The chief paused, bent over with laughter, and continued "Then I hit a hole in one and you actually told me it was in the wrong hole! But I love golf too and you're right about one thing, it's always over too soon."

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