A Lumber Jack walks into a gay bar...

It is the only bar in the small town. So the Lumber Jack figured, after a long week of work, it was going to have to do.

He walks up to the bartender and asks;

"Could I get a nice hearty lagger?"

The bartender gives a little smirk and replies;

"Certainly. Bottom or top?"

Lumber jack says;

"Tap, please."

Bartender smiles, gives a whistle, and yells;

"Jonny Logger! You're up!"

Lumber Jack looks a little worried, so the bartender reassures him;

"Don't worry, he is the best woodworker I know. And he usually does best on top. He can fell the strongest wood, and doesn't mind it getting messy or dirty."

Lumber Jack high tails it out of there.

Edit: Accents

Top- Tap

Bottom- Bottle

Lager- Logger

Initial sentence is just filler since I came up with it on a whim.

Sorry to post a joke without a description. Thought bottom/top would be easy enough to accent into bottle/tap.

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