A Frenchman, a Spaniard, and an Italian are captured in battle...

All three are locked in the darkest cell of the enemy encampment. Meaning to find the location of the captives' comrades, the captors tie up the Spaniard and drag him to their interrogation chamber, and demand that he give up his fellow soldiers.

The Spaniard, betraying a longstanding military tradition of bravery and courage, gives up his friends almost immediately. Shamed, he is returned to his cell and the Frenchman is tied up and brought in.

The Frenchman, shirking an untrue and unfair modern stereotype, endures a full hour of ruthless torture, completely bound and powerless to resist. History would not condemn the fact that he relented after lasting so long. The captors release him, binding the Italian and taking him off on the way out.

With this Italian, captors can't find a method of physical brutality strong enough for him to utter even a peep. After four grueling hours, even the captors are tired, and return the Italian's broken but barely living body to his cell, loosening his restraints and tossing him naked onto the floor.

Amazed, the other two captives insist, "No one would have faulted you for talking after enduring so much punishment!" The Italian, beaten and bruised, moans, "I would have, but I couldn't move my hands!"

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