A Chinese man dies and goes to hell

He arrives in time for Hell orientation. As he walks into the orientation room, he looks around and finds an empty seat and sits down. The orientation staff woman starts off the meeting with a roll-call:

"Do we have Mr. Johnson present?"

"Here," says a man.

"Mr. Smith?"

"Present," responds another man.

"What about Mr. Wong?"

The Chinese man replies, "Here," just as another Chinese man raises his hand says, "Here," as well.

"Oh my," says the orientation staff person, looking at her sheet. "It appears there has been a mix-up. We only have one Mr. Wong penciled in for today. I saw the duplicate name and entered you both in the system as the same person. My mistake! Let's see here... Why don't you both stop by Room 666-b tomorrow morning at 9:00 and we'll see if we can straighten this out."

The next morning, the Chinese man shows up to Room 666-b, and notices the sign above the door: "REINCARNATION SERVICES"

He walks in and is immediately greeted by a man in a nice business suit. "Good morning, Mr. Wong! I am the Director of Reincarnation Services. Please step into my office. Your associate, Mr. Wong, has already arrived."

He walks into the office and has a seat. The Director likewise sits down behind his desk and explains, "We are very sorry for the paperwork mix-up yesterday, gentlemen. Unfortunately, it's going to take about a week to get it all straightened out in our system. You know how it goes. But, in the meantime we'd like to make it up to you here at Reincarnation Services!

"In this department, we are responsible for sending souls back up to Earth to haunt the living once again. We do zombies, wraiths, liches, you name it! Usually we reserve these services for some of our more senior Hell residents, but seeing as these are special circumstances, I think we can make an exception. Let's see here... I think we can pencil you in for this Halloween, we can have you come back as a wight to haunt a small town for a week. How does that sound?"

"Both of us? As one wight?" the Chinese man asks.

"Yes, remember you are still in the system as a single person until we figure it out. But we'll send you up top for a week, you'll have the time of your afterlife, and by the time you get back we'll have it all sorted out."

"Well, yeah, that sounds pretty great," says the Chinese man.

"Good! Now let me just place a phone call and set up the details." And the Director picks up the phone and dials a number. "Yes... Hello, I have two gentlemen here I'd like to send up as a wight this Halloween... Yes, those two... Yes... Uh huh... What do you mean you can't? You won't make an exception?... Alright, I see... Alright, yes, goodbye."

The Director hangs up and says to the two Chinese men, "I'm very sorry sirs, but it appears we can't do that."

"Well why not?" they reply.

"It's company policy. Two Wongs can't make a wight."

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