3 guys decide to go mountain climbing

After a few days of climbing, they finally reach the summit. All of them are in awe of the spectacular beauty they can see from being so high up.

One of them men, tired from the trek, decides to sit down. He feels something underneath him. Curious, he pulls it out of the ground and he sees that it's a genie's lamp. The man rubs out and *poof* a genie appears.

"Well", said the genie, "since there are 3 of you, you all get one wish, but here's the catch. You have to jump off the mountain for me to grant it."

The first guy decides it's not such a bad deal and jumps off the cliff and yells "eagle!". The man becomes an eagle and soars into the sky.

The second guy decides to jump and yells "hawk!" and flies off to meet up with the eagle.

The third guy runs to the mountain side, but trips on a rock as soon as he jumps.


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