Racial Jokes

Racial Jokes

What do you name an African tech startup?

Double Click!

(Okay, Khoisan only.)

What's the difference between Batman and a black man?

Batman knew his parents before they were shot.

Why can't Two-Face kill Batman?

Because he's two Dents.

A mans monkey was very sick...

...so he took it to the vet.

Doctor: "Bobo wil...

Knock knock anti-joke

Knock knock

Who's there?

Not Adolf Hitler . . .

An Irish bloke goes to the doctor

and says "Dactor, it's me ahrse. I'd loik ya ta...

I'd like to see Batman and Robin fight crime in places that need it the most.

"Hey Batman!"
"Yeah, Robin?"
"Didn't we park th...

Blockbuster Joke

George Lucas, Peter Jackson and James Cameron w...

What's Adolf Hitler's favorite letter?

Not z, that's for sure.

There was a blackout last night...

Don't worry, I got him.

What do they call Bro Chads in the U.K.?

......Bloke chaps.

Play me off Johnny!

Why couldn't Batman go to the movie?

Because it was rated "PG"

Adolf Hitler banned 5k races but sponsored an annual marathon...

...Because Marathons are the master race.

What's the difference between batman and a black man?

Batman can go out in the night without robin.^S...

The Duck in the Bar

A man walks into a bar with a metal box under o...