Mostly-true-stories Jokes

Mostly-true-stories Jokes

Mary Poppins has retired from

Mary Poppins has retired from her days as a na...

Grandma Gotta Gun

An elderly lady did her shopping and, upon ret...

Restructuring at the North Pole

The recent announcement that Donner and Blitze...

Tip Off

I was standing in line at a restaurant, waitin...

Our correspondent in Poland reports

Our correspondent in Poland reports that Wojci...


If I could have Thanksgiving dinner with anyon...

The Florida State Department of

The Florida State Department of Fish and Wildl...

Dog nap

One afternoon, a woman was in her back yard ha...

Funny Headlines

Include your children when baking cookies.



one day a kid wrote to Santa. It read "dear Sa...

In September, according to police

In September, according to police in Junction ...

A judge in Louisville decided

A judge in Louisville decided a jury went "a l...


What does a baby say befor its born?


An elderly lady did her

An elderly lady did her shopping and upon retu...

In February, according to police

In February, according to police in Windsor, O...

Unreal Court Rulings

1. January 2000. Kathleen Robertson of Austin,...

An Issaquah, Washington man apparently became...

An Issaquah, Washington man apparently became ...

Wedding Announcement

An unmarried girl who worked in a busy office ...

A massive cold front swept

A massive cold front swept across the nation t...


There's always a lot to be thankful for if you...

Dad, Son letter

A father passing by his son's bedroom was asto...

The re-release of George Lucas'

The re-release of George Lucas' "Star Wars" ra...

An elderly lady did her shopping and upon...

An elderly lady did her shopping and upon retu...

Safeway has made a $1.7

Safeway has made a $1.7 billion offer for Vons...


Claims that unemployment has dropped by 20,000...