Hedgehog Jokes

Hedgehog Jokes

Q: How many alt.fan.pratchett

Q: How many alt.fan.pratchett readers does it...

Washing Your Cat

Some people have the misconception that cats n...

Hedgehog, Giraffe, D

Q: What do you get when you cross a giraffe wi...

Hedgehog, Giraffe, Dental Hygeine

Q: What do you get when you cross a giraffe wi...

A teacher does a quiz with her class.

She asks the children:" So guys what walks on f...

Why isn't Sonic the Hedgehog Muslim?

Because once Ramadan is over, he can't stop fas...

Why did the Hedgehog cross the road?

To see his flat mate...

Why Did The Hedgehog Cross The Road?

Because he wanted to see his flat mate.

What does sonic the hedgehog have in common with a polygamist?

They will both go out of their way to get as mu...

What do you get if you breed a hedgehog and a grass snake?

*Interbreed. A meter of barbed wire. It's funni...

Two toothpicks are walking through the forest

they come across a hedgehog. Says one to the ot...

A young boy sees his grandma in the shower...

A young boy accidentally walks in on his grandm...

Why does The Rock love Sonic the Hedgehog?


Did you hear about Sanic the Hedgehog "Gotta Go Fast?"

It is a running joke on the internet

The 7 Deadly Rules/Sins For Hipster

#1. Be fashionable... Never! Never leave your h...

Two hedgehogs are talking by the side of the road.

One says to the other,
"I have figured out the ...

There were two guys fishing...

Suddenly a hedgehog passes by and asks them: