The Top 15 Indications an Athlete Is Using Steroids (Part I)
15> Her rage-induced fits have turned synch...
15> Her rage-induced fits have turned synch...
Some race horses staying in a stable. One of t...
One day, a large group of people were waiting ...
Three racehorses were sitting in a bar braggin...
A business man was driving along when he spotte...
Some race horses are staying in a stable. One o...
Take it drag racing
Two guys are driving together. Their about to t...
So we are arriving at a gas station and she mad...
Two rather old retired racehorses are in a bar ...
The first is a crusty bus station, whereas the ...
…now she's a greyhound.
When is a black dog not a black dog ? When it's...
The only good thing to ever come out of Oklahom...
Q: What do you get when you cross a race dog wi...