Donald-trump Jokes

Donald-trump Jokes

A man stuck in a traffic jam

some guy came and knocked on his windows and sa...

Why is Donald Trump single?

Because he doesn't want to be with some Juan.

Donald Trump

Worst joke I ever told.

What's the difference between Donald Trump and a baby polar bear?

It will be a year before the baby polar bear ki...

Why did Donald Trump fail his college math class?

He was uncomfortable with the concept of integr...

If Melania divorces Donald Trump

Then an immigrant will get half of the US in th...

Wow, Donald Trump is President. I haven't seen Democrats this mad since....

...slavery was outlawed and the desegregation o...

Why is Donald Trump's favorite cuisine Canadian?

Because he loves to have a mouthful of Poutine.

Breaking News: Donald Trump elected 45th President of the United States!

I know this already came out, but I am just now...

So Donald Trump signs an Executive Order reviving the Dakota Pipeline ...

He says "Look at this Italian Stripper Dakota P...

The only thing smaller than Donald Trump's hands...

The only thing smaller than Donald Trump's hand...

What's the difference between Karl Marx and Donald Trump?

Trump only advocates the seizing of a *woman's*...

Bad taste

Did you hear Donald Trump is putting a ban on t...

I misheard the Muslim ban as Muslim band

I thought either Donald Trump is really into pe...