Crane Jokes

Crane Jokes

You are a hard worker....

You're a landscaper, and today you're at a big ...

Endangered meal

One day a man was walking in the woods when he ...

There once was a village...

... where everyone lived happily. Until one day...

My wife started her job on a cruise ship last week.

My mate asked, "How's she getting on?"

I rep...

Crane jokes

Hello, I'm doing a presentation on Cranes, spec...

Q: What's the strongest bird?

Q: What's the strongest bird? A: A crane.

Q: What's the strongest bird?

Q: What's the strongest bird? A: A crane.

Mrs Saggy: Mrs Wrinkly tried to have a facelift last week.

Mrs Saggy: Mrs Wrinkly tried to have a facelift...

What is the strongest bird ?

What is the strongest bird ? A crane !