Bee Jokes

Bee Jokes

What's Weirder?

Q: What's weirder than a talking dog?

A: A s...

Why I Am Independent (but Leaning Republican)

You might be a Republican if...
1. You have a ...

Cynic's Guide to Life

The Cynic's Guide to Life

The journey of a t...

You are a Redneck If... #22

You are a redneck if:

you've ever held a li...

Naughty Bee

What did the bee say to the naughty bee?



Float like a butterfly
Sting like a bee
I sle...

Blonde Golf

There was this blonde who had taken up golf for...

Weird Facts XI

Antarctica is the driest, coldest, windiest and...

Weird Facts XVII

Baboons were once trained by Egyptians to wait ...

Floats Like a Butterfly

What's the most dangerous insect?

The hepati...

Amazing Facts 7

In 1875 the director of the US patent office...

Spelling Checker

I have a spelling checker,
It came with my PC....

Bad Jokes 1

How do you know policemen are strong?
Because ...

Breaking: Spelling Bee Official Pronounced Dead.

He then used it in a sentence.

Little Green Man

A guy walks into a bar and orders a drink. Ther...

Float like a butterfly

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, die i...

I was stung by a bee the other day

£20 for a jar of honey

I got stung by a bee yesterday.....

Charged me £8.00 for a jar of honey...