The Daddest Jokes of Them All

In Which Dad Tries His Hand At Humor
1.Q Why did dad celebrate his new girlfriend's birthday for only thirty seconds?
1.A Because it was her 32^nd birthday!

2.Q "Why is leather armor the best?", asks Dad
2.A Because it's literally made of hide!

3.Q Dad wants to know why he should buy a SmartLamp^tm
3.A Obviously because the other ones aren't as bright!

4.Q Dad's girlfriend: "I pushed the stool under the sink so you wouldn't trip over it"
4.A Says Dad, "Well I'd prefer if you flushed it down the toilet!"

5.Q Why didn't Dad like the idea of a restaurant on the moon?
5.A He says it wouldn't have any atmosphere!

6.Q I asked Dad why he and his girlfriend were going to Switzerland
6.A He said the flag was a big plus!

7.Q Why did Dad think he could lift up the hipster?
7.A "Well he only weighs an instagram!"

8.Q What did Dad say when his pregnant girlfriend said she should see a baby doctor?
8.A "You should really see an adult doctor!"

9.Q Dad's girlfriend wants to know the difference between an Asian elephant and an African one.
9.A "Five thousand miles"

10.Q Why are there only nine dad jokes?
10.A Because the 10^th was caught in the middle of 9/11!

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