Divine Golf

One sunny day Jesus, Moses and a small, elderly man were playing golf.

Jesus was the first to tee off and he hit the ball a little left and it ended
up in the water hazard. Because it was Jesus, his ball floated and when he got
down to the hazard he walked upon the water and hit the ball onto the green.

Moses was the next to tee off, and like Jesus he hit the ball into the water
hazard. When he got down to the hazard, he parted the waters and hit the ball
onto the green.

The little old man was next, and he too hit into the water hazard. Just then a
big fish swallowed the ball and began to swim away. A hawk swooped down and
grabbed the fish in its talons and started to fly off. As the hawk passed over
the green, it tightened its grip on the fish which caused the ball to pop out of
the fish. The ball landed on the green and rolled into cup.

Jesus then turned to the old man and said, "Look Dad, if you're going to play,
play fair."

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